Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Here are their fourth of July pictures :) Nothing like using candy to get some great shots :)

WOW its been too long

Ok, so it has been way too long since I posted on here and I feel it is time to start this again. So here is an online update version of life for the Craters right now.

Daddy: Daddy is doing great at work and preparing for the fall semester to continue working on his Lean Six Sigma. 

Mommy: Mommy is staying busy with online classes, the photography business, and preparing for the fall semester at TCC.

Marissa: Marissa's speech is growing amazingly. She is learning new words, speaking longer sentences, and even asking more questions. Her speech program and Hampton University is going great. She is also getting ready to start cheerleading next month :).

Emma: Well Emma is Emma learning at a super fast rate, acting shy around new people, and spending lots of time with mommy lately. She is getting so big and definitely has a soft spot for her babies lol.

Dogs: Isabella and Delilah are doing great :)

Well that is some of the latest update on our family...so now here is some recent images :)